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Bankruptcy - Raise Your Credit Score After a Bankruptcy

Having a Bankruptcy is one of the most devastating things that you can experience. You may ask after I have this Bankruptcy will I be able to raise my credit score. There are things that you can do after you have a Bankruptcy that can help your credit score and financial situation. You need to get a copy of your credit report so that you know exactly what your credit score is. Next you want to look through the report to see if you have any items that should not be on your report.

When you are trying to get rid of negative items on your credit report you need to dispute all those items because it is up to the credit agency to verify if the item in question is accurate or not. If they can not verify it within a 30 day period then they must delete it. Remember that you have the advantage when it comes to your credit score and improving it.

Also it is very important that with any credit cards that you currently have pay them on time and do not be late. this will help improve your credit score very quickly. The benefits of paying your bills on time are that you will have a lower interest rate as well as higher credit score.

You also want to make sure that your credit cards are not maxed out and you make an effort to pay down the balances on your credit cards. The higher the balances the lower your credit score will be.

Remember that even if you have had a Bankruptcy you still can overcome it and raise your credit score if you follow the steps necessary to do so.


Bankruptcy | Bankruptcy Information